
the beauty awaits


From Inspiration to Confirmation

Whether you know where you want to go or you’re looking for the next best place to go,  Friend of a Friend can help guide you based on the winning combination of personal experience, a host of expert resources and your personal preferences.

By being affiliated with The Local Foreigner, a dynamic, female-led  agency, Friend of a Friend Consulting is able to provide the best of the best in service through longstanding industry partnerships that ensure clients get the special amenities and treatment they deserve.

Our Process

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1. It Starts with a Conversation.

Understanding a client’s particular tastes and desires, in addition to their former travel experiences (the hits and the misfires) is crucial for planning a successful trip. Book a time so we can best determine the fit.

Book a time with Meg


2. Let’s Collaborate.

In order to make this relationship work, we require a little give and take and ask you to fill out the following forms so we can have all the necessary information at hand. Plus, we promise the questionnaire will spur all sorts of conversations!

Client Agreement +

Travel Preference Form +

FoF Questionnaire +


3. Let the Planning Begin.

As your bonafide Travel Guru, FOF is at your disposal for all travel questions, queries and trips. Once a specific trip is determined, FOF will craft a detailed proposal, complete with personalized pros and cons for each accommodation, up-to-date service grades, preferential rates and those all-too-necessary VIP perks.


4. The Art of an Itinerary.

Once the accommodations and services are set in place, the crafting of a bespoke itinerary can begin. This is an iterative process where FOF and the client are in constant communication, featuring as many details as necessary to create the trip of your desires.


5. Travel with Assurance

With VIP booking confirmations and a personalized itinerary including all your must-do elements in hand, via digital ap, you are now on your way, and with the expertise of FOF confidently alongside.

If you have more questions on the process, please don’t hesitate to reach out directly.



FOF is a luxury travel consultancy with hourly fees for our services. Hourly rates are set at $185 an hour, with an extra charge for after-hours work. 

At the beginning of the trip planning process, we take an upfront retainer of $1850 (equivalent to 10 hours).

Once this retainer is exhausted by accrued planning hours, we bill on a monthly basis.

If there is a remaining balance after the completion of services, it will be credited toward the client’s next trip. The hours never expire.